• info@najaliafrica.com
  • +255(682) 732 847

Najali Africa  helped in user research for  a 100% paperless and 100%  cashless insurance product for low income farmers in Pemba,Tanzania. Subsequent to this, the insurance product was designed with focus  on digitizing on Health insurance customer boarding, premium collection, benefit ledger management, claims processing and claims payout and enabling all these activities to be done over the mobile phone (basic and feature phones).

By digitizing the health insurance administration processes, the user research  enabled insurance sector to quote affordable policies for the low income population in Tanzania, something that insurers struggled with for a long time with most insurers launching insurance products for the formal sector and middle to high income population only, just because it is the only way the economics work. The insurance partner managed to quote policies for as low as $1 a month because they did not have to factor in all the paperwork and manpower involved in enrolment to claims processing.

This gave  the low income population access to an affordable and health insurance product which gives then access to quality medical services from private clinics and hospitals.